UPDATE: I have gone through the data tonight and have sent a mailing file to the printers tonight for some of the missing magazines. I am hoping they can turn this round this week and you should all have your magazines by middle of next week latest.
Thank you for all your lovely comments, I am only human, I have a love/ hate relationship with Excel! Hopefully we might get some new/ rejoining members from my mistake to help the club through this.
I’m really sorry everyone but there was an error in the mailing file for the May issue of Agility Voice. I missed a mistake in the excel spreadsheet so some of your magazines will come to your address but with someone else’s name on them. You should all get your copy this week if you were a member on 21st May. If you don’t get your copy then send me a message and I will get one in the post to you on Monday.
Some copies have gone to members whose memberships have expired, you lucky people! I hope you enjoy the read and consider rejoining the club!
Rest assured your data is secure and this is purely a oversight on my behalf when manipulating the data into an excel file from the website.
Apologies again.