Hey Members, as we come slowly out of lockdown I know there are a few housekeeping bits we have to catch up on with regards to the Annual Awards for 2019.
First of all, We have 9 outstanding trophies for winners and runners up, I will be in touch with these members via email over the next week.
Secondly, 2019 was the first year that the club gave out placed rosettes for all leagues bar veterans and juniors.
At the top of this page there is a list of dogs that have received one of these rosettes, given the current it’s been impossible to get these to you, so as a committee we have looked at other options. We have agreed that if you would like your rosette, all we ask is that you send a stamped self addressed large letter envelope to the Points Fairy and she will endeavour to get this well deserved rosette back to you.
Please get in touch either by DM or email for this contact address as it’s not the one in the Voice
I know that some of you have had these already given your attendance at the AGM.
Stay Safe, Stay Alert, Keep Smiling