Season starts 1st March 2025 – 30th november 2025
Points entries will close 14 December 2025
You have 30 days from the date the show closes to enter points
Why can’t I see the show name to enter points?
- Is it over 30 days after the show has closed? If so you can no longer enter points
- If it is within the points entry window, try to type the name of the show in the box especially if you are using a mobile device
My dog has won into a new grade do I need to change the league I’m in?
- No, you stay in the same league all year, this does not affect your KC warrant points or show entries
Can I enter points for any show and class?
- No, we only accept Kennel Club registered shows only
- Points can only be entered for progression classes only, YKC Classes and
- CSJ Veteran Handler Stakes but only for the Veteran league, if you are in a graded league they will not count.
Why can’t I edit my dog’s details?
- The window for all dog detail edits is only when the leagues are closed
- If they are incorrect you need to email
Why can’t I see the show name to enter points?
- Is it over 30 days after the show has closed? If so you can no longer enter points
- If it is within the points entry window, try to type the name of the show in the box especially if you are using a mobile device
Can I have dogs at different clubs?
- Yes, if you have multiply dogs you can have them linked to different clubs again just use the filter to choose your club
- Outside of the edit window you need to email
Do I have to train at the club listed against my dog?
The dog has to have trained at the club in the past 12 months. If they move clubs then they can keep the old club until the have trained 12 times in the new club and then they can change the club listed against the dog and then the points will count from the date of the change. Any other questions please email me at annualawards@agilityclub.
Can I change my club mid-season?
- We now allow this twice within a season as understand members for various reason may need to change clubs. Send an email we take the date stamp from email as the date we change your club. Your points will freeze for your current club and you will start gaining points for your new club from the date of the email.
- If you need your club for a third time in a year you will be moved to no club affiliation.
Why am I getting emails if I’ve changed my details?
- We send generic emails to all members, we don’t need to know if your details haven’t changed or that you have updated them
Can I still enter points if someone else ran my dog?
Yes the points belong to the dog not the handler.
Emails sent to the points secretary will be replied to within 5 working days and then if necessary actioned within 10 working days of the date sent.