Instructor Seminars
The Agility Club has been involved in the training of instructors since the early days of the sport and has run a four-day seminar and examination annually since 1992, with successful candidates being awarded Agility Club Accredited Instructor (ACAI) certification and badges. This course is aimed at producing all-round agility instructors, and has been attended by students from many overseas countries as well as enthusiasts from all over the United Kingdom. Thirty places are available each year and these are normally filled well in advance. However short-notice vacancies are sometimes available following late cancellations.
Judging Seminars
The Agility Club instituted training for judges in 1985, and has delivered courses and seminars ever since. Our four-day residential course and examination was the ‘gold standard’ in judges training, and was attended by representatives from many other countries during the formative years of the sport. We now run the standard Kennel Club seminar over two days (which is mandatory for all first-time KC judges and new Championship judges) every year. Along with the rules and regulations which can be taken on line at Our course is open to all.
For details on the next Instructors and Judging Seminar please watch this space